We had a fun time in ABQ. Lucas always enjoys playing in the backyard, collecting rocks, and "playing" with the dogs. Sadly, the dogs don't think "playing" with Lucas is quite so fun.
Lucas only woke up our first night in town. After that he slept like a champ. He was even really good for my Dad, Maddie and Carrie on Saturday when I was gone from 8:00 - 4:30. No tears at all.
This picture was one of my favorites from the trip. Bath time is always an event in ABQ. My sisters like to be there to take part in the fun and Lucas likes all the attention. Most of all he likes the cool faucet in the bath tub. It makes a fun waterfall and likes it to be running for most of his bath.
Here's a little video of Lucas in the tub:
That first picture is so cute! Isn't it so funny how the smallest everyday events are such big deals when you're at your parents! Like BATH TIME! My family fights over who gets to bathe Addie! It's awesome!
That is a really cool spout! Nice! He's a funny kid.
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