Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Train and Videos

This evening I surprised Lucas by taking him downtown on the new commuter rail. We met up with Ben, had delicious crepes for dinner, then Ben took Lucas back on the train, while I drove with Evan. Lucas had a good time on the train, asked way too many questions about all the bells & whistles, etc, and was louder than anyone appreciated, I'm sure. For a mere $2 it wasn't a shabby way to spend the evening.

Here are a couple funny videos of Lucas.
For Lisa: Here is Lucas opening a present my sister sent when he first went poop on the potty. We had him save it until he was a pooping pro:

After I cut the video off, he said, "I love you Lisa. Have a good day at work!"
And here is a vid from Saturday when Lucas was deliriously eating his M&M's in the car with Ben:

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